1952 Bowman U.S. Presidents #7 Burning of the White House

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1952 Bowman U.S. Presidents (362 available)

VG - 3

GOOD - 2

1952 Bowman U.S. Presidents #7   Burning of the White House  Front Thumbnail
P52B 00 0568
2 - GOOD


1952 Bowman U.S. Presidents #7   Burning of the White House  Front Thumbnail
P52B 00 0658
2 - GOOD
1952 Bowman U.S. Presidents #7   Burning of the White House  Front Thumbnail
P52B 00 0896
2 - GOOD


1952 Bowman U.S. Presidents #7   Burning of the White House  Front Thumbnail
P52B 00 0941
2 - GOOD

FAIR - 1.5

1952 Bowman U.S. Presidents #7   Burning of the White House  Front Thumbnail
P52B 00 0909
1.5 - FAIR

POOR - 1

1952 Bowman U.S. Presidents #7   Burning of the White House  Front Thumbnail
P52B 00 0713
1 - POOR

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