1973 Topps 1973 Topps Chicago Cubs Near Team Set - 7 (NM)

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Chicago Cubs Team Sets (645 available)
1973 Topps Cubs (683 available)


Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 15
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 6.71 - EX/MT+
Average Grade - Unweighted 6.80 - NM
Grade Breakdown
7 - NM 12
6 - EX/MT 3
Price If Purchased Separately $92.05

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $92.05.

This near team set contains 15 cards out of the possible 28 cards. This is not a complete set.

"The following cards have been omitted, in order to keep the cost of the set reasonable, and can be purchased separately."#605 Rookie First Baseman - Pat Bourque / Enos Cabell / Gonzalo Marquez and #603 Rookie Third Basemen - Ken Reitz / Terry Hughes / Bill McNulty

This set does not include the following cards: #482 Rick Reuschel, #440 Glenn Beckert, #501 Larry Gura, #414 Ken Rudolph, #81 Cubs Leaders - Whitey Lockman / Hank Aguirre / Ernie Banks / Larry Jansen / Pete Resier SOL, #464 Cubs Team, #393 Jose Cardenal, #180 Fergie Jenkins, #580 Joe Pepitone, #552 J.C. Martin, #645 Bob Locker, #565 Jim Hickman

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Grading Stats Info

This is a 1973 Topps Chicago Cubs Near Team Set. Dean's Cards has designed our Near Complete Team Sets using the majority of cards for that team - leaving out the expensive super-star rookie cards, high numbers, short-prints, and multi-player rookie cards, reducing the price. the other cards can then be added, from our inventory of over a million cards, as your budget allows. the 1973 Topps cards not in this Partial Team Set are the higher-priced multi-team rookie cards. the y were omitted in order to keep the cost down. the 1973 Topps was the first set to feature all of multi-player rookie cards by their positions, rather than their respective teams. Topps also waited until 7th Series to issue this cards, making them expensive, as well as ugly. For these reasons, the 1973 Topps multi-player rookie cards are not considered part of 1973 Topps Team Set. We feel that they do not offer enough value to team sets to offset the added cost. the 1973 multi-team rookie cards can be purchased individually on our site. For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as their front and back scans, please see the description below.

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