1976 SSPC 1975 SSPC Complete Set

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1970s Misc. Baseball Card Complete Sets (192 available)
1976 SSPC (1 available)

NM/MT - 8

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 630
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 7.81 - NM/MT
Average Grade - Unweighted 7.82 - NM/MT
Grade Breakdown
8 - NM/MT 522
7 - NM 105
6 - EX/MT 3
Price If Purchased Separately $1,558.17

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $1,558.17.

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This 1975 SSPC Complete Set contains 630 full-color cards.  The only full baseball card set ever issued during the Topps monopoly was produced by SSPC in 1975, but not released until 1976. 
The underrated 1975 SSPC set is similar to the 1953 Bowman cards in that the front of the card is a color photo and no print, and was a refreshing change of pace from the predictable Topps issues. The 1975 SSPC card backs contain the player's stats, bio, and something Topps never though of - the player's uniform number. 

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Item #6694841
8 - NM/MT
$1,096.00 after 20% discount

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