1909 T206 POR Clark Griffith

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VG/EX - 4

1909 T206 POR Clark Griffith  Front Thumbnail
2B 00 0618
$816.00 after 15% discount
Sovereign is the only Semi-scarce back at 5%.

VG - 3

1909 T206 POR Clark Griffith  Front Thumbnail
2B 00 0603
PSA 3 - VG
$527.00 after 15% discount
Sovereign is the only Semi-scarce back at 5%.

GOOD - 2

1909 T206 POR Clark Griffith  Front Thumbnail
T206 00 6196
2 - GOOD
$301.50 after 10% discount
Sovereign is the only Semi-scarce back at 5%.

FAIR - 1.5

1909 T206 POR Clark Griffith  Front Thumbnail
13B 00 0115
PSA 1.5 - FAIR
$315.00 after 10% discount
Sovereign is the only Semi-scarce back at 5%.

1909 T206 POR Clark Griffith  Front Thumbnail
T206 00 6413
1.5 - FAIR
$234.00 after 10% discount
Sovereign is the only Semi-scarce back at 5%.

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