Featured Sets and Blogs from Dean

Dean is always writing features about vintage baseball card sets -- and you'll find his latest additions here first. Our Home page features a "Set of the Week," and you can find past featured sets here.

Baseball Card Set of the Week Features

Click below to read all about each featured set:

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What We Do for the Sports Card Collecting Hobby and Beyond

Dean created DeansCards.com with collectors such as himself in mind: "I am my own customer. My goal was to create a store where I would love to shop, that also had the best selection of cards available anywhere." 

Aside from running his website, Dean strives to breathe life into the card collecting hobby by writing regular blogs, shooting his own videos, writing articles for Sports Collectors Digest, and by publishing his very own vintage baseball card collecting books.

Dean is also involved with several Cincinnati charities and events.  In June 2014, Dean's Cards sponsored an auction item in the Believe 2 Achieve fundraiser, raising $1,700 for Camp Allyn, the Autism Society and Down Syndrome Association of Cincinnati.

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