1971 Milk Duds Singles

The 1971 Milk Duds Baseball Cards set features 69 un-numbered cards that originally came on boxes of Milk Duds candy.  Due to this, these singles are hand cut from the boxes, making higher grade cards hard to come by.  This set is chock full of star players, and this set contains 23 Hall of Fame players.  These cards have a unique appearance as the front is a close up, sepia toned, image of the player, and the backs of the cards are blank. 

These cards were originally issued on boxes of Milk Duds to try and increase consumption of boxed candy, since candy bars were taking over in popularity.  We have these Milk Dud boxes featured in their own category.  This set also features a large number of Chicago Cubs players, presumably due to the fact that Wrigley Field is close to the factory where the candy was produced.

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