1960 Topps #32 - Jim O'Toole / Vada Pinson Sophomore Stalwarts 5 - EX

1960 Topps #32   -  Jim O'Toole / Vada Pinson Sophomore Stalwarts Front Thumbnail
B60T 11 7373
5 - EX
The print mark near O'Toole's nose is common across on many cards.  We give it a "minor flaw" and one grade penalty.

1960 Topps #32   -  Jim O'Toole / Vada Pinson Sophomore Stalwarts Front Thumbnail
B60T 12 8082
5 - EX
The print mark near O'Toole's nose is common across on many cards.  We give it a "minor flaw" and one grade penalty.

1960 Topps #32   -  Jim O'Toole / Vada Pinson Sophomore Stalwarts Front Thumbnail
B60T 12 9924
5 - EX
The print mark near O'Toole's nose is common across on many cards.  We give it a "minor flaw" and one grade penalty.

1960 Topps #32   -  Jim O'Toole / Vada Pinson Sophomore Stalwarts Front Thumbnail
B60T 13 1063
5 - EX
The print mark near O'Toole's nose is common across on many cards.  We give it a "minor flaw" and one grade penalty.

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