1962 Topps 1962 Topps Baseball All-PSA Near Complete Set / Lot - 7 (NM)

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Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 338
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 6.87 - NM
Average Grade - Unweighted 6.86 - NM
Grade Breakdown
PSA 8 - NM/MT 20
PSA 7.5 - NM+ 19
PSA 7 - NM 236
PSA 6.5 - EX/MT+ 2
PSA 6 - EX/MT 51
PSA 5 - EX 7
PSA 4 - VG/EX 2
PSA 3 - VG 1
Price If Purchased Separately $40,623.90

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $40,623.90.

This almost complete set contains 338 cards out of the possible 598 cards. This is not a complete set.

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Grading Stats Info

This 1962 Topps Baseball All-PSA Near Complete Set / Lot contains exclusively PSA graded cards that we have available for this year, and contains the majority of the 598 cards in this set.

The front of each card features a color photo of the player surrounded by a condition-sensitive wood grain border, making 1962 Topps cards in pristine condition scarce. The back of the cards provide the player's statistical history and biographical information.

Each cards in Series 2 of 1962 Topps set, which spans cards #110 to #196, has two slightly different versions. Topps decided to have more of the Series 2 cards printed and used a second company.  These cards have a slightly different cropping and a distinctive "Green Tint".  The "Green Tint" Variation Set can be purchased separately.  

Sub-series for the 1962 Topps Set include the popular Babe Ruth series, summarizing the life and career of Ruth (135-144).  The other 1962 Topps sub-series are the All-Star Series for the American League (466-475) and National League (390-399), and Rookie Prospects (591-598). 

The 1962 Topps 7th Series "high-number" cards contain some short-printed cards that are particularly hard to find.  Among these are the Rookie Prospect cards, which are the last 8 cards in the set.  For the first time Topps put multiple players on each rookie card.

The important rookies in the 1962 Topps set are: Boog Powell, Lou Brock, and Gaylord Perry.

Players included in the 1962 Topps baseball card set that are now in baseball's Hall of Fame include: Al Kaline, Babe Ruth, Bill Mazeroski, Billy Williams, Bob Gibson, Brooks Robinson, Carl Yastrzemski, Casey Stengel, Dick Williams, Don Drysdale, Duke Snider, Earl Averill, Early Wynn, Eddie Mathews, Ernie Banks, Gaylord Perry, Hank Aaron, Harmon Killebrew, Hoyt Wilhelm, Jim Bunning, Juan Marichal, Lou Brock, Luis Aparicio, Mickey Mantle, Nellie Fox, Orlando Cepeda, Red Schoendienst, Richie Ashburn, Roberto Clemente, Robin Roberts, Ron Santo, Sandy Koufax, Stan Musial, Walter Alston, Warren Spahn, Whitey Ford, Whitey Herzog, Willie Mays, Willie McCovey and Yogi Berra.

For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as a front and back scan of each card, please see the description below.

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