2000's Sports Illustrated (with label)

Sports Illustrated began its history in 1954. Publishing giant Henry R. Luce was determined to create a sporting magazine geared toward wealthy men and their elite sports.

Finally, in the early 1960's, Sports Illustrated found it's current niche of reporting on popular spectator sports including football, baseball, basketball, hockey, boxing, golf, and tennis. With this change in emphasis, the Sports Illustrated covers became increasingly popular with collectors. Today SI is the most displayed and framed cover among sports magazines.

With Label June 18 2007 - Omar Minaya New York Mets (Has Address Label on Front)
January 24 2000 - Isaac Bruce St. Louis Rams (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
February 14 2000 - Michael Jordan Washington Wizards (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
February 28 2000 - Vince Carter Toronto Raptors (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
March 13 2000 - Frank Thomas Chicago White Sox (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
March 27 2000 - Pedro Martinez Boston Red Sox Baseball Issue (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME CYAw)
April 3 2000 - Tiger Woods (Has Address Label on Front)
May 8 2000 - Randy Johnson Arizona Diamondbacks (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME CYAw)
June 12 2000 - Kobe Bryant (LA Lakers) (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
June 26 2000 - Tiger Woods (Has Address Label on Front)
July 3 2000 - Dennis Miller (Has Address Label on Front)
July 24 2000 - Lance Armstrong (Has Address Label on Front)
August 21 2000 - Mike Piazza (NY Mets) (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
October 9 2000 - Kurt Warner St. Louis Rams (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
March 12 2001 - Mario Lemieux (Pittsburgh Penguins) (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
March 26 2001 - Derek Jeter (NY Yankees) (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
April 16 2001 - Tiger Woods (Has Address Label on Front)
April 23 2001 - Allen Iverson (Philadelphia 76ers) (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
May 7 2001 - Johnny Unitas (Baltimore Colts) (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
May 28 2001 - Ichiro Suzuki Seattle - Ichiro Suzuki (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME ROYw)
June 11 2001 - Larry Walker (Colorado Rockies) (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
June 18 2001 - Ray Bourque Colorado Avalanche (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
June 25 2001 - Shaquille O'Neal & Kobe Bryant LA Lakers (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
July 30 2001 - David Duval (Has Address Label on Front)
August 6 2001 - Lance Armstrong (Has Address Label on Front)
August 20 2001 - Magic Johnson LA Lakers (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
September 24 2001 - 9/11 Aftermath (Has Address Label on Front)
October 8 2001 - Barry Bonds SF (Has Address Label on Front)
October 22 2001 - Derek Jeter NY Yankees (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
October 29 2001 - Michael Jordan Washington Wizards (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME)
November 5 2001 - Randy Johnson Arizona Diamondbacks (Has Address Label on Front HALL-OF-FAME CYAw)

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