1921 W551 Baseball Cards

The 1921 W551 Strip Card Set consists of 40 different "multi-sport" cards.  The W551 cards are unnumbered and have blank backs.  The exceptions are the cards that were distributed by Wool's American-Maid Bread, on which the company's name was stamped.  The W551 cards with the Wool's Stamp often carry a premium.  Originally issued in strips, most of the surviving cards have been hand cut, so they vary in size, measuring approximately 1 3/8" by 3 1/4".  Printed on very cheap paper stock, it is very easy to reproduce fake strip cards.

The 1921 W551 Strip Set contains images of 10 baseball players, as well as, images of other athletes and actors.  The Babe Ruth card is the most sought after card in the W551 set, followed by Ty Cobb, Jack Dempsey and Walter Johnson.

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