1966-67 Bazooka

The 1966-67 Bazooka Baseball Card Set contains a total of 48 cards.  These two years are combined since most of the cards from these two years featured the exact same picture and card number for many of the player, making them impossible to differentiate.  If the card number featured a different player from each year it will be noted in the description of the card which year it is from.  

The 1966-67 Bazooka Baseball Card Set featured cards that once again originally came in three card panels, where collectors could cut along the dotted line to use the cards individually.  Like all other years of Bazooka cards, these can be hard to find in high grades as unless the entirety of the black dotted border is present, these cards are often given a grade as simply "Authentic".  

CLICK HERE if you want to sell your 1966-67 Bazooka cards.

#7 Mickey Mantle (HALL-OF-FAME)
Excellent - 5
$425 after 15% discount
#39 Ron Santo (HALL-OF-FAME)
Excellent - 5
$48 after 5% discount

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