1926-29 W461 Exhibit Blue / Green Tint Blank Back

The 1926-29 Blue / Green Tint Exhibit cards are rare variations of the 1926-29 W461 Exhibits series.  The set was distributed in many different color tints. Little is known as to how the tints were chosen and why some tints are more common than others, but both the green and particularly blue / green tints appear much harder to obtain. The cards, which were designed as postcards, usually have postcard printing on the back of the card, but some printings were issued as blank backs. The Blue / Green Tint Exhibit cards are also the much rarer blank back variation which are found only a fraction as often as their postcard back counterparts.  

CLICK HERE if you want to sell your 1926-29 W461 Exhibit Blue / Green Tint Blank Back cards.

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Lou Gehrig (Blank Back, Portrait HALL-OF-FAME)
$10,112 after 20% discount

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