Who's Who in Major League Baseball was published by Harold "Speed" Johnson until 1937. Who's Who in Major League Baseball is a statistician's dream because it featured the major and minor league statistics of the major league players for that particular year. Who's Who is still the main source of finding a player's minor league records.
Carmichael took over the editorship of Who's Who in Major League Baseball in 1938. This annual publication was available through the mail and at most major league stadiums. Its decline in popularity is said to be a result of the competition from team yearbooks. Who's Who in Major League Baseball was available in hardback as well as paperback and is considered of equal value to collectors.
Who's Who covers generally contain photos of the top four stars of the previous year. Each edition featured photos and sketches of sports team top twenty players. A world champion photo usually appeared on the back cover of Who's Who in Major League Baseball while the other league champions appeared on the front cover.