1959 Fleer Ted Williams Complete Set - Premier 8 - NM/MT

Set breakdown by grade:

Number of Cards in Set 80
Average Grade - Weighted by Value 7.80 - NM/MT
Average Grade - Unweighted 7.73 - NM+
Grade Breakdown
8 - NM/MT 49
PSA 8 - NM/MT 4
7.5 - NM+ 14
PSA 7 - NM 1
7 - NM 10
6.5 - EX/MT+ 1
6 - EX/MT 1
Price If Purchased Separately $7,449.50

Purchased separately the cards in this set have a break-up value of $7,449.50.

Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 30 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards.

This is a 1959 Fleer Ted Williams Complete Premier Set, which means that this set contains the highest grade of each card that we have available in our million card inventory.  The 1959 Fleer Ted Williams Baseball Card set includes 80 standard size cards, which measure 2½" by 3½".  The 1959 Fleer baseball card set features the milestones of Ted William's life and playing career.  Card #68 - Ted Signs for 1959 was pulled from the set early and is a very difficult short-print to find and has been counterfeited numerous times.

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Item #6201462
8 - NM/MT
$5,008.00 after 20% discount

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