1964 Topps #84 Carlton Willey

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1964 Topps Baseball Cards (15,099 available)
1964 Topps Mets (951 available)
Carlton Willey (138 available)

NM/MT - 8

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 09 1876
8 - NM/MT
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 2958
8 - NM/MT
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 5822
8 - NM/MT

EX/MT+ - 6.5

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 1586
6.5 - EX/MT+

EX/MT - 6

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 09 3881
6 - EX/MT
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 5821
6 - EX/MT
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 9707
6 - EX/MT

EX+ - 5.5

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 3290
5.5 - EX+
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 2626
5.5 - EX+

EX - 5

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 05 7005
5 - EX
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 1878
5 - EX
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 10 1929
5 - EX
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 1057
5 - EX

VG/EX+ - 4.5

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 08 7608
4.5 - VG/EX+
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 08 9397
4.5 - VG/EX+

VG/EX - 4

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 07 4061
4 - VG/EX

VG - 3

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 05 3330
3 - VG


1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 9256
3 - VG
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 9637
3 - VG
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 9858
3 - VG
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 12 0749
3 - VG

GD+ - 2.5

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 12 0415
2.5 - GD+


GOOD - 2

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 9333
2 - GOOD
1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 9396
2 - GOOD

FAIR - 1.5

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 9010
1.5 - FAIR

Autograph - 0

1964 Topps #84  Carlton Willey  Front Thumbnail
B64T 11 4924
Dean's Cards has examined this item and it is our opinion that this item is genuine and authentic. We have come to this conclusion based on our experience and involvement with sports memorabilia.

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