1903-04 Breisch-Williams E107-1

The 1903-04 Breisch-Williams E107 Type 1 or E107-1 contains 103 cards, with each measuring 1 3/8" by 2 5/8".  The cards can be hard to come by due to their original regional distribution in Oxford, Pennsylvania.  The E107-1 cards can have one of three different backs, with the most scarce being one the name of the company on the back.  

While all of the 1903 Breisch-Williams E107 Type 1 cards can be scarce, the most difficult card to find from this set is Honus Wagner, which makes a complete set nearly impossible to complete.

CLICK HERE if you want to sell your 1903-04 Breisch-Williams E107-1 cards.

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Topsy Hartsel (Misspelled as Hartsell UER)
SGC 3 - VG
$1,360 after 20% discount
$1,872 after 20% discount

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