1912 Zeenut PCL

1912 Zeenut PCL
The 1912 Zeenut PCL cards are 2-1/8" x 4-1/16". 1912 was the second year that these Pacific Coast League cards were produced, and Zeenut continued to produce these cards through the late 1930's. All of the Zeenut Sets were given the ACC number of E137, making that designation useless for two decades of cards.  

Many of these cards are seen with a hole punched in them, which indicated that they were traded in for a prize with the Zeenut company.  The 1912 Zeenut cards can be differentiated from other early 1910's Zeenut cards due to their border-less design, and dark background.

CLICK HERE if you want to sell your 1912 Zeenut PCL cards.

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