1911 T205 Gold Borders
The 1911 T205 Gold Borders Baseball Card Set consists of 222 possible cards of 199 players, all featuring very distinctive gold borders. The T205 baseball cards measure 1 1/2" x 2 5/8" and were issued with packs of cigarettes.
The cigarette brand is printed below the biographical information on the back. There are 11 possible tobacco ads that may appear on the backs of the T205 cards. The T205 cards with Common Backs - Piedmont, Sweet Caporal, Polar Bear, Hassan, American Beauty, Cycle, Honest and Sovereign - are found in this category. The T205 cards with harder to find, and more expensive backs can be found in our T205 Scarce Back section.
The borders on the front of the cards differ whether the player belonged a National League or American League team. There are also 12 minor league cards in the 1911 T205 baseball card set that are distinguishable by their ornate design. Key Hall-of-Famers in the T205 Gold Borders set include: Ty Cobb, Eddie Collins, Walter Johnson, Addie Joss, Bobby Wallace and Cy Young.
CLICK HERE if you want to sell your 1911 T205 Gold Borders cards.