1915 Cracker Jack Baseball Cards
The 1915 Cracker Jack Baseball Card Set features 176 cards, measuring 2 1/4" x 3". The 1915 Cracker Jack cards (E145-2) are identical to the previous year's cards in design, with many of the card featuring the same player pose and card number. The distinguishable difference of the 1915 Cracker Jack cards is that they have an advertisement for a "complete set of 176 pictures", and the bio on the card's reverse is printed upside down, in relation to its front.
The 1915 Cracker Jack cards were printed on thicker card stock and could also be acquired as a complete set, through a redemption program, by sending in 100 coupons or 1 coupon - along with 25 cents. The 1915 Cracker Jack Set adds an additional 32 cards from the previous year and also introduces some new poses, and updates changes in teams. Of the 32 Hall-of-Famers included in 1915 Cracker Jack Set, the most popular are: #6 Eddie Plank, #30 Ty Cobb, #37 Grover Cleveland Alexander, #57 Walter Johnson, #68 Honus Wagner, #88 Christy Mathewson and #103 Shoeless Joe Jackson.
CLICK HERE if you want to sell your 1915 Cracker Jack Baseball Cards.